“Tzatziki Game” a work Organization Simulation based on the Demand/Control Model

This is a work experiential learning tool - followed by a Workshop that builds on the experiential leaning from the Demand Control model - focused toward your organization. The work organization simulation process is followed with discussion of how your organization could go forward.

What does Tzatziki have to do with Innovative Work Organization?

Tzatziki Game is a work organization simulation game that uses different work organization designs for simple food preparation. Work organization transformed into Theater for learning.

Four work teams, in Green, Pink, Blue and Orange, follow four dramatically different sets of work rules based on the Demand/Control model.  Participants develop hands-on, practical experience that is more powerfully understood and useful than the most enlightening lecture.

Participants’ instantaneous personal reactions enable them to fully understand the theoretical concepts behind the work organization’s effect on employee well-being and output (innovation, stress, motivation, output, creative collaboration, boredom, frustration).

The debriefing group discussion after the game - commented on by Demand/Control model developer Karasek – reviews the result of the work performed by the teams – and clearly proves that innovative output, quality of work and quantitative productivity are affected by the different work organization designs.

Innovative Work Organization - Tzatziki Game - Workshop builds on the experiential learning from the Tzatziki game - focused toward your organization - and followed with discussion of how your organization could go forward.

  1. Tzatziki Game at your organizational location – with format adapted to your type of client/ customer base
  2. Debriefing Discussion – lead by JCQ Center Global expert Group - comparing results of different work organizations methods (the members of your organization)
  3. Small-group discussions - lead by JCQ Center Global’s facilitators. What happens on my job? What happens in ur organization? What is good? What is a problem? Local experiences and personal reactions come together

4.Suggestions on finding possible solutions / or plans for action with JCQ Center Global’s Training Methods and Tools, spanning across many areas - from personal stress coping, personal behavior, client/organization dialogues, organizational analysis and organization re-design (Full group)

  1. Plenary discussion (Full group): Finding the Common Themes for Your Organization;

- Feasible Utopia
-Possible Next Steps